Unlocking the Secrets of How My Journey Led to Empowering Men in Relationships

Have you ever wondered what it truly takes to build a lasting, fulfilling relationship—especially in a world where men often feel misunderstood or disconnected? If you’re seeking answers, allow me to take you on a personal journey. Not only will I share how I came to specialize in helping men build extraordinary relationships, but I’ll also reveal how working with me can open up new possibilities for your own relationships, career, and self-growth. You deserve to thrive, and I’m here to guide you.

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me, “Why work with men?” or “How did you create The Gentlemen Square?”—I’d be set for life! But, my journey didn’t start with men alone. In fact, it began over 20 years ago in a busy unisex salon. As a hairstylist, I was privy to intimate conversations with women sharing their deepest relationship struggles. From breakups to betrayal, I heard it all—the frustration, the emotional disconnect, and the feeling of being misunderstood by their partners.

Yet, there was another side to this story. On the men’s side, I saw a striking contrast. Men weren’t opening up about their frustrations. Instead, they would ask me logical, solution-oriented questions like, “What do you think she’ll do if I…?” or “How should I handle this?”

These moments sparked my interest in the communication gap between men and women, a gap I felt compelled to explore.

As I transitioned into a career as a personal fitness trainer, I noticed something fascinating. Even as I coached clients toward better health and fitness, the conversations inevitably drifted toward relationships. I started seeing clear patterns—not just in others’ relationships but also in my own. The more I listened, the more I realized how much work we all needed in this area, regardless of gender.

That’s when I decided to take a bold step and pivot my career toward life and relationship coaching. I wasn’t just helping people get healthier; I was helping them build better relationships—with themselves and others. I saw transformation in my clients, but I still felt there was something more I needed to learn.

Driven by a desire to understand the deeper workings of the human mind, diving deeper into understanding the conscious subconscious, I pursued certification in hypnotherapy. This decision changed everything.

Through hypnotherapy, I found a powerful, non-invasive way to help clients—especially men—overcome deep-seated emotional blocks. Many men resist traditional talk therapy, but hypnotherapy opened a new path, offering profound healing without forcing them into overwhelming emotional expression.

It was in Ortiga a historical city in Siracusa, the south of Sicily—where I spent some transformative years—that the idea for The Gentlemen Square was born. Walking through the piazza every morning, I noticed how men naturally gathered—drinking coffee, chatting, strategizing. It struck me that men needed a space like this not only socially but emotionally—a place to connect, reflect, and learn how to navigate relationships in a way that made sense to them.

On one particular morning, I had an epiphany. As I observed the men around me, I thought, “This is La Piazza  degli Uomini,” a square where men could just be themselves. When I translated that into English—The Gentlemen Square—I knew I had found the perfect name for my business. The square, with its clear, linear boundaries, also symbolized the structured way men often think and process. And let’s face it—women are always drawn to a true gentleman!

Today, as a Dating & Relationship Therapist/Coach, published author, and speaker, I am beyond thrilled to serve as a guide for high-achieving men and women alike. Through The Gentlemen Square, I offer men the opportunity to finally step up their game in relationships, without guesswork or confusion. I’m here to provide the inside scoop on what women really want—and trust me, it’s not as complicated as you might think.

At the heart of everything I do, is a simple belief: Relationships are the cornerstone of a fulfilling life. They shape our happiness, our growth, and our sense of purpose. That’s why I’ve made it my mission to bring value and genuine transformation to both men and women. I understand the challenges, the frustrations, and the moments of doubt that come with navigating relationships, and I’m here to help you overcome them.

Whether you’re ready to improve your relationship with a partner or looking to better understand yourself, I’m here to offer the tools, insights, and guidance you need. Because in the end, you deserve nothing less than an extraordinary relationship—and I’m here to help you achieve it.

Are you ready to step into a new chapter of your life?

Let’s work together to create the relationships and life you’ve always dreamed of.

Hypnotherapy for Sport Performance/Well-Being

If you’ve ever felt that your most dogged and persistent opponent is yourself, and you want to make some permanent lifestyle changes then our wellbeing/sports hypnosis program is for you. 

Overcome the mental blocks that all too often get in the way of our game, as well as building positive expectations and helping you to develop habits of performance excellence at a deep, subconscious level.

From endurance sports such as distance running, triathlon or bodybuilding, to competitive games such as soccer, golf or tennis, to less physical but equally challenging games such as chess or poker, hypnosis can help you to achieve new levels of sporting success.

Imagine What it would be like to?

  • Create a positive frame of mind. 
  • Eliminate any destructive tensions. Increase your ability to deal with setbacks and gain a level of fitness you desire.
  • Develop a laser-like focus and avoid distractions. Model excellence and think like great sports people do.
  •  Gain the confidence to perform to the best of your ability.
  • Improve your precision, efficiency and timing. 
  • A balanced healthy well-being lifestyle of work, play

Hypnotherapy for conflict within relationships

Differences between couples will always exist, but finding the balance of what is right for you in a relationship is an extremely important factor. Sometimes when we argue, we  unconsciously repeat patterns. If you’ve ever felt like you’ve had the same argument, again and again, you’ll understand what we mean. These patterns can come from our subconscious and may even be something our younger selves are battling with internally.

While in the relaxed state of hypnosis your unconscious mind is open to developing and mastering new levels of projecting, visualizing and performing.

Imagine What it would be like to?

Develop effective communication with your partner/women 

  • Build confidence to to ask for what you need
  • Get to the root of your conflict
  • Set healthy boundaries 
  • Learning to read The Red Flags
  • Recognise unhealthy relationships and have the strength to end them 
  • Determine patterns of behaviour stored in your subconscious that are contributing to the conflict. 
  •  Learn to cope with conflict and manage difficult emotions more easily
  • Have a stronger understanding of yourself and your relationship with others