Break Your Dating Cycle

Are you tired of attracting the same type of woman but in a different relationship? 

Picture this, one moment, you’re drawn into a relationship by a captivating beauty, and the next, you’re desperately seeking an escape route.

Then you’re back to square one, desperately swiping through dating apps, encountering the same old patterns, and meeting the same “all-too-familiar personalities.” as in the past!

Imagine if there  was a way to filter out unsuitable matches and effortlessly date with confidence to attract your ideal  partner… just for you!

Envision yourself confidently mastering the psychology of women, effortlessly navigating female energy, all while maintaining your sanity.

After two decades of absorbing women’s intriguing ‘man-gossip’ as a hairstylist and personal trainer, Stefania seamlessly channels her insights to empower high-achieving men in dating with confidence to attract their ideal partner for harmonious, successful relationships.

Drawing from her extensive interactions with thousands of women throughout her career in the salon and gym, Stefania keenly sensed their discontent with their men. This awareness inspired her mission to guide accomplished men in attracting partners who value them beyond their financial status.

As the acclaimed author of ‘Master the Language of Attraction,’ Stefania instills men with the self-assurance to navigate the complexities of dating and relationships while steering clear of incompatible matches.

Renowned as a Dating and Relationship Coach/Therapist, Stefania’s expertise has earned her invitations to speak on prestigious stages and podcasts, where she divulges the secrets of ‘What Women Want.’ She’s also a sought-after guest for men’s empowerment workshops and events.

Stefania’s mantra echoes through her work: ‘Every man deserves a special woman who, even on your toughest days, reminds you that you are worthy of love!’

Through The Gentlemen Square, Stefania has cultivated a digitally safe haven, guiding thousands of men worldwide in their quest for successful and fulfilling relationships.

Discover the transformative power awaiting you at The Gentlemen Square.


Through group coaching, personalized therapy programs, and online courses, unlock your hidden potential and ignite the journey towards your ideal partner. Harnessing the subconscious, you’ll embark on a path to fulfillment, to date with confidence and attract your ideal partner while embracing your most authentic, passionate self.

You might wonder, what insights can a woman offer men?

Consider this: while male-to-male therapy has its merits, who better to illuminate the mysteries of the feminine psyche than a woman herself? 

Many clients have leaped forward, experiencing unprecedented breakthroughs in mere weeks. These shifts propel them to new found heights of vitality, resilience, and unwavering confidence, enabling them to navigate any encounter with women effortlessly.

Our approach is straightforward and candid, offering genuine, unfiltered insights from a woman’s perspective.

If you’ve found your way here, it’s a sign you’re ready for something extraordinary. What are you waiting for? Dive in and embrace the journey!

Hypnotherapy for Sport Performance/Well-Being

If you’ve ever felt that your most dogged and persistent opponent is yourself, and you want to make some permanent lifestyle changes then our wellbeing/sports hypnosis program is for you. 

Overcome the mental blocks that all too often get in the way of our game, as well as building positive expectations and helping you to develop habits of performance excellence at a deep, subconscious level.

From endurance sports such as distance running, triathlon or bodybuilding, to competitive games such as soccer, golf or tennis, to less physical but equally challenging games such as chess or poker, hypnosis can help you to achieve new levels of sporting success.

Imagine What it would be like to?

  • Create a positive frame of mind. 
  • Eliminate any destructive tensions. Increase your ability to deal with setbacks and gain a level of fitness you desire.
  • Develop a laser-like focus and avoid distractions. Model excellence and think like great sports people do.
  •  Gain the confidence to perform to the best of your ability.
  • Improve your precision, efficiency and timing. 
  • A balanced healthy well-being lifestyle of work, play

Hypnotherapy for conflict within relationships

Differences between couples will always exist, but finding the balance of what is right for you in a relationship is an extremely important factor. Sometimes when we argue, we  unconsciously repeat patterns. If you’ve ever felt like you’ve had the same argument, again and again, you’ll understand what we mean. These patterns can come from our subconscious and may even be something our younger selves are battling with internally.

While in the relaxed state of hypnosis your unconscious mind is open to developing and mastering new levels of projecting, visualizing and performing.

Imagine What it would be like to?

Develop effective communication with your partner/women 

  • Build confidence to to ask for what you need
  • Get to the root of your conflict
  • Set healthy boundaries 
  • Learning to read The Red Flags
  • Recognise unhealthy relationships and have the strength to end them 
  • Determine patterns of behaviour stored in your subconscious that are contributing to the conflict. 
  •  Learn to cope with conflict and manage difficult emotions more easily
  • Have a stronger understanding of yourself and your relationship with others